ok,its lunchtime...chao!
One who dare to dream is one who touches his ambition ambitiously...
End of the Month
How time flies!!err,talking abt time,a snapshot of my conversation wif my tuitee
Me: Can u pls do ur werk fast? Time is flying ok!
Aidiet: Kak Jijah,time can fly? How?
My tuitee managed to make me smile.=D
And also, thanks Ain for your string of advices yesterday. At least those werds managed to calm me down. At least i noe dat my decision was right.Thanks Ain.
Ok,me gotta go start werk.Later @ 10am i'm gonna be Mina Karang Guni..hee hee.U c, AVA is having this donation drive where they are collecting old clothers to be donated to the pple @ Pekan Baru Indonesia. Me & Ain will help out in the sorting & we'll be models of the day @ the same time..nak pose for magazine gaknye.Its gonna be fun-not the foto takinglah but at least nari dapat pahala tolong2..
No words to Describe......
My Happiness!! Alhamdulillah,Alhamdulillah,Alhamdulillah.Remember what i've blogged earlier? Yeah!! Presenting to u my new 'boyfren'- Baby Su(named by me) aka Nunu(named by my elder sis) aka Lipas(named by younger sis). Whateva names were given-i'm overjoyed.Thanks Dad for this LoveLy gift. Well,not many pics taken yet coz most of the time me kena drive & the rest insists of not taking any pics of me! hee hee! ok,gotta start engine aldy. Have a lovely Monday everyone!!
Our Baby Su
My Dad & Bro in Law
Kakak seems very-very Happy!
Waahh..i'm feelin' soo tired..& best of all i've not prepared any assignments yet for my tuitee tonite.When there's no assignment dat wld mean i've to do a lot of talkings & explainations.Nvm-at least dat will keep me awake.Maybe i'll prepare some assignments during lunchtime later...insyaAllah.
Yesterday me & Yati went to Geylang to get some baju kurongs for our dear Ustaz for the upcoming Teachers Day. We got a blue one for Ustaz Mustazah, brown one for Ustaz Syed Ahmad, grey one for Ustaz Ramzi & a white jubah for Ustaz Hasbi.Pheww, not an easy task u noe! Mana nak kejarkan masa..
I'll upload the baju kurongs' pics wher i've nicely wrapped them yah...hee hee
ok,gotta start werking...
A quick snapshot of me
Pose manja Yati
Senyum ada makna!
Messaging 'erhem'!
Quiet Moment
Yesterday I cancelled my appointment wif my gerlfren (sorry Ina!) & I just spent an hour of quiet moments @ the Library. Yeah, since i went to Jurong East Library last 2 wks i've fallen in love wif the place.I wish i can own the place to myself, indulge myself in the undescricable serenity...coz i just need dat @ the moment. Usually i'll just scout my books @ the Library @ JP but it has not much of a choice so since i've known dis place i guess it will be my nxt 'playground' (bsides IMM as my 1st 'playground'). My sis & bro in law also joined me shortly afterwhich my quiet moment changed to be a chaotic one.*hee hee*.
I'm missing my bestfren dearly.Everytime we decided to meet there're bound to be last min hiccups. I'm sorry dear..we'll meet up soon.I promise.
Last nite i kept waking up every 2hrs or so...y eyy?Not onli dat i kept nudging my sis to ask her to quickly take a bath coz i thot it was aldy 545am.Sorry dik for irritating u.Something is just not rite wif kakak...
ok,gotta start werk...Salam...
Org sibuk baca buku,dia sibuk amik gambar...
Sungguh2 si kakak cari buku!
SimPLe Things on a SimPLe WeeKenD
Me,my Mom & younger sis headed to IMM Jurong east last Sat to do our mini marketing (wad else??!) Then we had our lunch @ Bagus.Food was nice but a bit xpensive lah.Then i dropped by my aunt's place to help her out wif the distribution of my cuzin's invitation cards.Can't wait for my cuzin's wedding on 4 Sept..
ok,just some snapshots for your views...=)
Food sponsored by Bagus..hee hee
Adik ingat sape eh??
My mom wif her tired face
My fave @ Bagus-Bee Hoon Tom Yam..oppss..left the soup onli!
p/s Today my sis & bro in law will be back from KL..their 2nd honeyMoon..-)