Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Pink Ladies' Outing

As promised, finally, we made our way to the Singapore Zoo.While i'm looking forward to meet my old mates; the penguins,my 2 students wanted very much to see the seals & orang utans.Besides having to enjoy ourselves, it was also a chance to meet both of them who very much wanted to see each others.I thot i wld be tired after the trip but i guess the gerls lose out to me.They ended up sleeping in the bus!! If only they were my kids...they were so adorable!

well, let the pictures do the talking yah?Click here if you can't access the slides.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Didn't know that climbing up & down the stairs in the 1st half of the day was much more easier.Less sweat + more fun.But does less effort required equivalent to less calories shed? Aaah, dats not the question...at least i'm doing something to shed off those spare parts.Healthy lifestyle mah?Right Ain, Marina?? I thank both of u, for 'motivating' me & kept the spirits high.=))

Sometimes, i can't help myself by being too sarcastic, if dats the only way to tell the other party that i'm offended or what he/she is doing is wrong.Yeah, i'm no angel to preach down here but hey, the knowledge that i've earned & digged all these while were meant to be shared not to hide them under your pillow. Living on this earth is not just earning a living or doing your favourite pastimes but to really make full use of it & on a more important note- to learn from your past mistakes.No point repeating the same old mistakes without making it a point to rectify them.

Finding the right friends is not an easy task.Of course i'm not telling you to dump those who are not to your choice.Sometimes a smile & a simple hello is good enough, and this shld be an effort from both parties.Thou u seem not to like her rugged attitude or his chi-ko-pek look, just a hi and quickly go off smile will do.

till then...

ta ta

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lamunan TerhenTi

As much as i've wanted to stop grazing on the pasts..i couldn't.NOW, they keep coming back & haunt me.

While the bestie is enjoying her every bits of time @ Langkawi..i'm stuck here in spore.nevermind.i'll dream wif u gerl.

Thks to Marina & Ain, we are back to climbing up & down the stairs, from the 4th floor to the 23rd.Saying NO to gym is no more an excuse.A mini workout yet drove me to perspiration & heavy panting.Serves me right for not exercising regularly.But i do enjoy myself...and i believed the rest too.Another mission yet to be accomplished.

till then...me getting ready to chao chin chao..

Lamunan terhenti just for u.

Friday, June 15, 2007


oohh, me aint emo-girl lah. All those jiwang2 songs were reflective of the tragic moments which had happened to my lyfe.ha ha.

I've been down with flu & mild fever & i guess its been a while since i'm infested wif all these virus.But i'm not complaininglah.Its just dat i'm feeling uncomfortable with the stuck nose & groggy feeling.Nak hyper pun mcm fake gitu.

But u noe what is the remedy to all these? Babies, babies & babies!!!!

A lot of appointments have been held up.And i feel really2 bad as i still owe my bestie her bday gift. =( but no worries, all have been nicely wrapped up & ready for collection. sorry again dear.

Marina, Ain..still remember our upcoming outing?? I'm missing our Umairah badly.Let us find one best date to go out together okie?

And hope its not too late to congratulate Babynora on her newborn..

cute kan???? (feel like munching him...)

till then...kuchi kuchi from Umairah

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hit it On, Babe!!

To the babe of my lyfe

Happy 28th B'day!!

Can't wait to meet u, sweetie!

she dun look 28, doesn't she?

Monday, June 04, 2007

Saving my Breath

these days u'll see more & more of you-tube videos..mostly featuring my fave songs & my innermost feelings.oppssie, the songs can be quite jiwang2 hor but who cares rite?Its my blog so its my choice.Been pretty occupied lately so the lengthy posts can wait. =)

till then....Pasrah for you

Ingin ku sendiri
Meniti hari
Kala sunyi
Yang melanda sepi
Alam bisu
Bagaikan mengerti
Berakhirnya sebuah memori

Ingin ku melangkah
Membawa diri
Kerna cinta
Yang dikhianati
Luka rasa untuk menghadapi
Pengorbanan tidak dihargai

( korus )

Ingin ku sendiri
Meniti hari
Kala sunyi
Yang melanda sepi
Alam bisu
Bagaikan mengerti
Berakhirnya sebuah memori