Busy Day
Quite a sunny Saturday to start blogging.Actuali i wanted to start to do my household chores,howeva since everyone is sleeping (esp my Grandma who is sleeping outside) I decided to take a break for myself & resume my 'duty' later.
Later part in the afternoon I'll be meeting the Twins & Ain to attend one of our colleague Wedding reception-Mardyana Abdullah. We had wanted to go earlier but since Ain is driving onli after 3pm we changed our plan then.
Tonite also me & family will be going to Pasir Ris Downtown East Chalet.My aunt & family have rented one unit there n we were welcomed to be their guests.I'm unsure if the rest of my aunts & uncles will be there,but for sure i just dun wanna the place to be too crowded & noisy.
Some changes will take place at my werkplace.Again..I'll be losing some of my best colleagues in AVA.I better not make a hoo-haa over the news till everything is finalised & firm up.
I'll be ona one day leave on Monday.Hopefuli I'll be able to take the day off to take my mind somewhere else.I'm just too tired of thinking & analysing..
To some pple out there who are still single & unattached-pls dunnot wori so much of your status.If someone is meant for u-you'll be with him/her.Otherwise let it be.I just hate pple( who fell into the category i just mentioned) to go ard,'playing scandal' to anyone they meet.Thse pple will go ard ,'trial n error' those they deem to be potential candidates.Howeve if they managed to find the better off-they'll do away with the unwanted ones.
pheww-felt so much relieved after letting it out..
I feel quite sick last nite.I seem to be having some pain near my stomach area..hope its nothing.
take care everyone!!!