Hi....good afternoon to all of u
Yeah!!!Finally i'm a whizzer which meant..i can drive a rented car under my own name.All along my bro in law has been the scapegoat for all my drivings.hee hee...thanks bro!!!
For today,i had a wet & yet relaxed driving lesson wif my bro in law & sis.Ape ke tak,halfway thru there was a heavy downpour.Panic jap but since the car was an auto car..hee hee,me had no prob coordinating the gear.
Later,we'll gonna go to Sepang for a car race...gotcha!!!I've booked for a 2100-0600 slot..(kes takde keje by my bro in law & sis)We intend to go East Coast,Changi...like real onli.Nanti halfway semua lepak.Okie,if i take any interesting pics,I'll upload them in the photo album okie?
dad,dunch wori,I can drive in the rain.hee hee.