Thursday, February 17, 2005

just b4 i knock off..

hait,i'm back.
well,enjoying the photos I've managed to upload?there're more to come,once i sit down & really figure out how to host the pic in an album.
i had a good dinner wif my goodfren, usual,we laughed and talked.i mean,its been quite some time since we last chatted..maklumlah kita semua bz ngan hal masing2.dis Rohaidah is a primary sch teacher but one glance she doesn't look like a teacherlah.mcm badot adelah!!(no offence Idah!!!hee hee)
she gave me a keychain. wif my name and its meaning to it.It goes something like dis:
Azizah~Beerti dihormati atau disayangi.Tetap pendirian dan seorang yg tegas tetapi boleh bertolak ansur.Berwibawa dan memiliki ciri ketua/pemimpin yg baik.Bersifat pengasih dan penyayang.Disegani oleh teman2.guess onli some part of it are true though.**grin grin**
actually i miss my bestfren,KURSIAH.hope she's dun wanna disturb her too much since she's on 24/7 watch over her grandma.Pple out there do give out ur fateha n well wish to my fren's grandma plse?
ok,gotta go..luv u guys out there.

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