I’m neither a die-hard fan nor a fanatic of nasyid groups coz over the time the genuinety of nasyid songs have kind of ‘missing’ somehow. These days you not only have fusion food but fusion songs too.For this matter, Nasyid with slips of raps in between are the in-thing now or should i say its on par wif world music? You preach while you rap! However, come to think of it, if this method can indirectly send its message to the people out there..why not?As long as things don’t go overboard..that’s the beauty of Islam.
Next..have you all heard the latest ramadhan theme song by Ustaz Sofyan feat i-do-not-know-his-name rapper? Cool kan? My distant-relative ni very the talented & humble.I’m trying to get his video from you-tube.Btw, he’s also active in this Nasyid group who called themselves Al: Masaar.
A short synopsis of Al:Masaar.
Al:Masaar, a nasyid group featuring 6 young talents who share the same passion; music. 1st established in 1996, Al:Masaar was said to informally form as early as in1994. Thou Al:Masaar has not produced any debut album, all its members never expect the Group to stay this long. Al-Amin (26), Hamzah (27), Aziz (29), Mu'adz (27), Effendi (27) dan Sofyan (25)ever studied at the renowned UIA (International University of Islam) in Malaysia.

6 men on the go!

Young but talented
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