Men @ WORK
First & foremost, i would like to extend my apologies to my dear frenz; Ain, Marina, Sumi & Twins for not able to join u galz for the dinner outing.I felt bad abt it, really.But at the same go i hope u all can understand my situation eh.InsyaAllah, we'll do the Raya outing together-gether eh.
I thot i would spent some dying hours just to make the cookies wif my Mom but unknown to me my parents had oredi made plans to paint the house last nite.By rite our supply of labour only consist of Dealova, bro in law & Dad (he's e supervsior of course!) Panic jap coz i've not informed Dealova beforehand of this mission.But to my relief, he appeared out of the blue..all ready to bring the house down!!Half an hour later, 3 of my Dad's students appeared; Cik Mus,Cik Man & Cik Mohd.Cuma abg Salamat kita je takde.*grinz*.So all the painters got to work & e living room is now 90% done! hmmpphh, tonite, insyaAllah, i'll get Dealova to paint my room..yippeee!!
Now i'm feelin' all sleepy.ape ke tidak, all the men went home almost 2am & i was awake till sahur.I managed to doze a while only at 5am..
now i'm @ DreamLand hor..*smilez*
before (orange shade)
after (pink shade)

p/s now, i can't wait till 5pm coz today my bestfren is breaking fast @ my place.Yippeeee!!!
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