==When will my TURN be?==

Cute eyy? I was oggling,staring..(so chi-ko-pek of me) at NaBiL (my bezfren's nephew).Isn't he a darling?I onli managed to carry him when he's onli a few weeks old & see how fast & big he has grown to.hee hee.No wonder my bf neglect me..no wonder.
Well, i've desperately wanted a niece or nephew too..tapi blum rezki my sister..ape bole buat.Nak buat anak sendiri belum legal..hee hee..
Ohh..in any case u are wondering why the lack of updates..well..errr..i'm juz plain lazy.Of course i've sumeting to blog but again, i'm just plain lazy.Actually, i was just wondering why do pple blog when they got nothing to blog?These pple will scrutinised on teeny weeny details which proved to be unnecessary. Really, reading blogs like these can be quite irritating.ehh, if irritated shouldn't i just leave e blog.?Why bother to read then rite?And sumetimes u noe that if that sumeone is blogging cum bragging cum exaggerating cum....harloww..really, if u got nothing better to do can u just please go to sleep?Ok, now it seems i've sidetrack a bit..sorry guys, me just ranting out my frustration.Feel the pinch?Please leave immediately.=)
I'm skipping my lunch again..coz i'm too full & filled up wif water.Futhermore, later, i'll be having my rehearsal for tml's event & so I will see what other last minute administrative werk that i need to finish off.Talking abt werk, i'm pissed off wif sume of the pple.Really. If u r appointed to be the Floor Manager, can u pls werk to that title?Even if dat post is new to u, can't u just ask me what u need to do?U call urself a Senior officer but u lack of all the qualities.Well, i shldn't just accuse pple lyke dat..but again..i can't werk wif such pple.And when u are given tasks to do & if u have been doing it say..3 times, wouldn't u be quite a pro in it?Gosh, i'm always attacked by 2 extremists-> the really-act-blur & really blur-but heckcare.
I can't wait for 3rd jun.jeng, jeng,jeng.....sorrylah Kursiah...i noe u won't be angry at me, kan, kan,kan??Love u dear!
Yesterday, sumeone tried his very best to make up for me.hmmpph...awak ingat saya boleh terpedaya ke?hee hee...love u 2 dear!
ok..gotta go...
to Ain,thks for the food..oppss salah..thks to ur dear MOM..