Monday, April 04, 2005

Missing Me

**i'M Not sure**

if my temperature is rite or not;
if i'm beginning to miss my dear colleagues who are gonna resign soon;
if my werkload is too much or just nice;
if my finances is ok or not-whether it can support me during my rainy days;
if the pple ard me reali like me or not;
if I'm too nice to pple or not;
if I'm ready to have a life companion yet.
I'm still unsure..
I can freak out anytime now...whats strong wif me huh?
Last Friday,i took an urgent half day pm leave-just to pay a visit to my dear Ustaz-KP @ ROMM.Missed him dearly.His soft spoken werds soothe my wretched,unpeaceful mind.Well,i didn't stay long thou coz he has to perform his friday's prayer.Ustaz,we'll meet up soon ok,however,can u stop pressuring me to setel down?Pleeassee...thks.=))[my dear Ustaz is too concern 4 me]

I wish I've a cat to play wif rite now..[remind me of my late cat,PIPIN]
ok,gotta continue wif my werk...

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