- -A Gift- -
**Wink wink**
Hi everyone..
First& foremost I wanna express my sincerest & heartiest thank to my best fren;Kursiah for giving me dat gift (below)

well,err..now no more excuses to be given for those missed,diverted & unintentionally engaged calls.Not forgotten those late replies for the smses.I felt like crying when i received that hp from her.She kept me in suspense b4 dat by saying she has a surprise for me & indeed I have the greatest surprise last Fri when she nicefully wrapped the gift & yeap,i unwrapped it in the presence of all my family members.To be frank,i dun think my boyfren would go to the extent of pleasing me by buying something which i desperately wanted but at the same time nvr utter it out.Kursiah,thanks again dear.Just by loads of complaints you wld have guess what i've desired.U noe my tastelah.Hee hee...thanks eh.Err...in exchange for dat I'll hand over.....***** to u!!(har har...u complete the sentence for me dear)
I was quite bz at ofis just now.Since its nearing to the end of FY2004,there are lots of tasks to be completed.I have payment,statistic,reminders,updating to be done.Nobody would believe me if I'm sayin' dat i'm feelin' quite feverish at the moment.Ok,maybe i've not enuff sleeplah...maybe.n i've been telling my best fren dis:"I'm feelin' quite funny at dis very moment.Feelin' quite uneasy.Why eh?"
I just hate it when someone utter the words "I miss you" without knowing what it realli mean.N it even disgust me when its a man whom i just knew said dat.Funny huh..
At the moment I just dun wanna entangle myself with relationships-with men esp.I dunno,the mention of them just wanna make me P*ke.yeah,yeah..i'm growing olderlah,i noe dat(can stop reminding me??!!!) but are there realli good men around?If you can guarantee me that(with full evidence)I'm not even gonna let him out of my sight.But dat won;t happen of course.Even now when i thot i've found a good & rite man,he is just the opposite...
N also-to all cheaters & liars out there->i just hated to be cheated & lied,and dis applies to both men & women out there.I noe my frens out there can be trusted.( i dun mind small lies neway)But if i caught anyone lying greatly to me,i'm sorry,dun expect me to talk to u anymore.I just hate dat to happen.
ok,me gotta go.I've got loads of fotos to be uploaded but it gonna take me ages to upload them,howver,keep a lookout for them at the sidebars...=)
selamat malam,goodnite
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