One who dare to dream is one who touches his ambition ambitiously...
Seems quite sometimes since i've done my last update.Loads of things to update but i'm just plain lazy to type.Is there any way i can update using my mind onli?sumeting like telephathylah. i wld just need to do some thinking & words would appear across the screen.Kan, kan, kan..jah dah merepek lagik.For the sake of some pple who have came up to me & asked me to update, i will just update lor.I will keep to 5 mins thou.hee hee
My Gooody Friday was spent in JB.Actually we intend to go Malacca, howeve since my Dad cld not get his leave on Sat all plans changed.We set off @ 0830 & reached Kotaraya onli @ 1130.Yeah, u guessed correctly. We were stuck in a traffic jam! While waiting for my Dad & bro in law performed their FRiday prayers, my Mom, sisters & tawaf the whole Kotaraya.To be frank-i couldn't actually recall how many rounds we made.Think i made some frenz along the way ah; wif the salesgerls.Kena plak ngan my Mom yg over peramah, dgn semua org yg dia strike conversation.Then we headed off to Giant @ Pelentong for a shopping spree..eh, correction, to do our grocery shoppinglah.Yg ni mmg my Mom punye fave! Finally we zoomed to X-tra supermarket to perform our Maghrib & complete off the tour of the day.Again we were stuck in a traffic jam for abt 2hrs plus. I slept & woke up & slept again..& we reached home ard 2330hrs.Cool eh?
Saturday was supposed to be another family day minus my Dad but at the last min, a lot of changes were made! My Mom ended up kai-kai alone, my 2 sisters & bro in law went to National Library (step Bookworms!) while me & Dear went scouting for my Bag.Since my Bro in law used the car that day, me & Dear ended up taking the crazy train & cab.Again we changed our plans along the way.We ended up @ Geylang instead of Beach Rd.Dear bought 3 baju kurungs for himself.But since i nearly need a bag badly & he wanted to eat @ Beach Rd equally badly, we headed to Beach Rd.I came across a Kappa leather bag & my heart & soul quickly set on it but to my dismay when i wanted the salesman to bring down the bag ,since its hung a bit too high up, he told me "U want to buy or not? Otherwise i cannot take it down!" Siao! Dear quickly grabbed my arm & pulled me away.Of course iif he hadn't pulled me away i wld have argued wif the man.You think i'm hard up for your stuff eh? However, my anger jap je.I was then greeted by this middle-aged man, thou he looked quite uneducated, he treated us like his customers. That shld be the way. Thou i dun really aim for that bag, Dear finally bought it for me coz we found the salesman really nice & above all, very friendly.Steadylah uncle!!
After we had our dinner, as we were hurrying off, we saw NUNU & we saw my 2 sisters & bro in law.We waited till they finished their meals & we went to Boat Quay to do enjoy the cool breeze there....I'll try to upload the pics we've taken, if i can get them out from my sis's hp.
This teeny weeny portion is for Dear.Thou i didn't get to spent much time wif u, u'll make sure i feel guilty of it by giving me surprises.At times u wld just popped up during my lunchtime just to make sure i have my lunch, be at my void deck just pass me chewing gums etc etc.And you have the habit to 'misplace' my shoes nicely everytime we perform our prayers together at a mosque.(i have the habit to shove my shoes to one side & the minute i'm gone u wld pick them up & put them nicely on the rack)Naik manja & mengada2lah say!.Above all i thank u for being such a caring person.Thou u never present me wif flowers or ever proposed me on your bended knee(s) i still think u r romantique in one way or another.Y am i being soo mushy-mushy?Its just so not like me!Oh, by the way,how did he proposed me eh?hee hee...i think i'll just tell ya all in my next entrylah k..For a hint, see the pic below...
To moi dear Boss, hmmpphh, thks for the lunch treat @ Warung Lele yesterday k.And nice hp u got there!
I do hope i can finish my hwk on time.I spent 2hrs @ the Library & i couldn't find much reference to complete my hwk.Stress jap..
okie..to all, have a lovely Tuesday!