I know What u Did last Weekend!
I did not rest well over the wkend.=)
On Sat, after cleaning the house, i went to IMM wif Dear to do some grocery shopping & of course to hangout @ my fave place, Daiso, to scout some cheapo baskets.If you guyz out there are wondering what is this Daiso thingy is all about..well...let me enlighten u with this piece of info: All Daiso products are tagged with price value of $2 only.This shop is must-go for gubahan makers, reaLLy!
When we reached home, i onli managed to rest for 2 hrs and then after Maghrib, me & family (excluding my Dad) headed to Mustaffa Centre to..err...to look for my bro in law's b'day prezzie.My elder sis is very fond of Mustaffa Centre..really..kalau tak control jah rasa hari2 dia ton tempat tu.Its either she loves the sight of the Bangla or she just enjoyed looking at the loads & loads of items there.If you are wondering why on earth i went there despite the fact that i hated that place...the reason, basically, i hate to kecilkan hati org.And the fact that all along i've always tag along with my family for all the family outings made me feel obliged to follow.We reached home ard 2 am..and u can imagine how exhauseted i am, bearing in mind that i'll be attending Pergas in a few hours time.My bro in law try to lure me from not attending class tapi ini jiwa kental tak makan dek hasutanlah.heh heh..
After class, my family fetched me & sis, & we headed to JB to get some medicines & do some shopping.Again, i can say ,I'm not a JB lover but due to the fact that my other family members like going there, i'm obliged to follow.Yipee!! I managed to find the VCD that I've been looking for-Konser Akar M.Nasir part 1.Actually i've been looking for that CD everywhere & finally when i got it i just not only got to listen to his voice but managed to see him 'live'. i'm not an avid lover of M Nasir but in particular i just lurve this particular song ;'Di Jalan sesat'. On a personal note, i think the lyrics were really well written & everytime i read them, i began to feel really really touched.You can refer to my previous entry to see the lyrics.See if they hit you.=)
After some visits made to my doc, i realised that my BP is still high.The simple reason, i'm lacking of exercise & my food intake may not have been healthy all these while.I'm trying my very best to control my diet too.I'm very well known of not taking medicine even when i'm very very sick so when Ummi made for me that 'special juice' & offered me minyak ikan gamat, i nearly fainted. Heh heh, dat bad eh?Thks to dear who tipped his Mom of my high BP who then painstakingly made me that not-so-appetizing juice which to date i've only drank 200ml out of the 1litre she made for me.Belum ape2 dia dah suruh makan ubat..kalau tinggal sebumbung..habislah..jamulah jawabnya.But dun think i'm a fraidy cat eh?I've been consuming Omega 3, jadam...just to get my blood circulate normally inside me. (*scratch scratch* ape selama ini your darah jalan tak betul ke?)
My Director & Malay boss on mc today.I'm left with the rest of the CDD angels to man the CDD fort today...
See the cat below..cute ey? Last Friday, my colleague was about to throw it away, after using them in a recent roadshow, when i saw it & in a flash it was aldy @ my cubicle. Too bad it couldn't stick well @ my workstation so i ended up pasting it on the wall near to me.But its kind of eerie when i'm all alone...i mean..its like someone is staring @ me from a corner. Aiyah Kitty Cat..u r supposed to be my guardian tau bukan nak takot2 kan i!!

oklah..gotta finish preparing my payment today. SayoNara...
Salam alaik..
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