Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The perfect me

The PerFecT me

Hi,urs truLy is back! i was super damn bz for the past few days. A lot of thinkings & deadlines to be met.But its ok, i yearn for more knowledge. At least my dear Rosy Boss is not selfish to park me wif uncountless knowledge. She sort of gave me the leeway & space for me to work on my own. I am grateful dat I was blessed wif such good boss & not forgetting good ole colleagues.Of course there're office politics airing here but of course-who cares?! As long as i got my things done-i shut one eye to all these.I've grown to be bolder after my xperience wif.....ok,lets not blabber abt e past.If only i'm stronger back then i won't be at where i am now...

actually i kinda pissed off wif some pple..i dunno...i'm just pissed off.If i tend to flare at teeny weeny minor things-i'm sorry.And i hate to be alone coz my mind will begin to wonder & ponder..& i'll kind of feel gloomy.God.I just need to feel appreciated.I'm longing for dat.I hate to say dis-but my 'bochapness' is coming back.Well,its hard to xplain...emmm....*staring into space*
my sis's bday is coming.Lets c..wad can i buy 4 her?Any ideas?She's on 2days mc coz she has been having dis backache since last week.Me & lil sis called her Liang Po-Po since she will walk very slowly(@5km/hr) and she slouch when she walked. I do hope its nothing serius. Tulah Kak..u rest too muchlah.....

My bf is back from her KL trip. Me so jealous dat she managed to have a short vacation & i'm more more jealous coz she's heading to Bangkok dis coming Friday for another short getaway. Not fairlah Kursiah!!You promised to go JB wif me...just e 2 of us.Dats it.I'm not talking wif u for e nxt 24hrs...hee hee.Too much lurve to hate u.

Ok,insyaAllah, we'll be having a pre-Ramadhan lunch wif e AVA Malay staff this coming Thurs.Not all can attend but its ok.At least dun who can't attend need not complain..oohh...oppss,neway,wads there to complain duuuh???If u can't come then dun come but dun go around tale tellinglah.Excuse moi-if u pple kept saying dat all these things are for the youngster..i guess u pple r too old to celebrate Hari Rayalah...*bluekkk*
And insyaAllah too, me & my ex colleagues from ROMM will be having a mini gathering to celebrate Ustaz Pasuni's retirement. Ok Ustaz-i guess its time 4 u to take a loong rest.Ok,kita chit chat panjang2 bile jumpe nanti k?
alritey,wanna continue wif my werk....

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