!!-A Loss-!!
Hi everyone!!!
Sorry,I've not been blogging for the past few days.Been bz lately.Neway not mych has happened though.
Last Friday,me,twins & Ain went to the IT exhibition @ Suntec City.Pheww,luckily we reached there early coz as we were going back we saw throng of pple just reached there.The exhibition was so packed with pple dat me & Diana just focus our mind & head straight to Creative corner(emm,I aldy had in mind what to buy) Well,i feel like spending a bit more that day & i got myself 2 mp3s at a cost of $218.I bought one for myself & the other was supposed to be my younger sis's advanced birthday gift.Okie adik,dun come after me for ur b'day gift ey.Our models were similar onli dat hers doesn't come wif a voice recorder so a bit cheaplah.Eeehh,feel like buying the laptop..but have to restrain myselflah...

These are my 2 MP3s..sorry,the pic not so clearlah.
Ain also setel her downpayment for her car dat afternoon.Waahh,so happy for her,she's gonna get her car real soon.But this funny gerl takot2 plak nak drive her car.Slowlylah Ain...neway u just passed rite.May nothing happenlah.Must yaqin & tawakkal okie.
Dat Friday also,I gotta noe one sad news also.I dunno if u guys ever read the 2 bros who passed away recently.One passed away 33 days after the younger bro passed away.Onli a lapse of 33 days 2 lives were lost.And the sad part of it,these 2 bros were Salleh's bros.yeap,Salleh lost 2 bros in 33 days.For those who were wondering who is Salleh;he's my dad's student.I nicknamed him :lelaki berbaju biru' coz he will always wear blue when he comes to my place.I was having dis hunch when I read the news of the 2 guys who died in 2 separate bike accidents (they were pro bikers though).I was telling my mum-"Mak,ni mcm muka Salleh aje.." but i was ignored lah.The day b4 Salleh came to ask my dad for holy water since his bro was in a coma (as he was involved in a bike accident).Then last Friday Salleh requested my dad & the rest of his frenz to sedekahkan fatehah for his late bro.dat prompted me to ask my Mom to ask him if his bro ever appeared in the papers recently & i was shocked when he confirmed it.He looked very weak yet he managed to smile at me when he went to the kitchen to ask me to fill up his bottle wif water.He told my dad he couldn't take the pressure & he needs some doas to console his emotions.Before he went off my dad kept telling him to be careful on the roads & not let his mind drift away.
well,me,sis & bro in law have decided to spend a day or two at East Coast Beach during these June Holidays.This was initiated after we saw some camping stuffs @ IMM.So we thot of getting 2 tents & rent 2 cars to facilitate this short holi.Hee hee.InsyaAllah,i'll plan from a far..so dat everything goes well later on.
okie,me gonna log out soon.There are some guests @ my place.Ni kes lelaki nak poligami.*Sigh* Men are just men.Tml will be another werking day...**yawn yawn**hopefuli my big boss will be in a good mood.She's ok but when she got werked up mcm stress gitu.Then there's dis quotation for feedback forms,hopefuli too,Mark nvr get himself into serius trouble lah.....
goodnite everyone!!
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