A soft spoken lady who never fail to give me advices.
When faced with excrutiating circumstances she made it looked so easy to overcome.
Kak Su, you will always be in my remembrance & heart.
While I was opn my way to work last Friday,I received a call from Ustaz Pasuni to inform me that Kak Su has slipped into a coma and may not stand any chance of living.I was so shocked.She was my shifu back then in ROMM and almost every year, without fail, she would order my potato chips.
As soon as i finished my work, I rushed to NUH...and i was devastated to see her condition.According to her sis in law and my colleagues, doc has advised her to undergo an operation on her brain due to some "knots" in there but the risk was there.
The atmosphere was so gloomy.
Well, she has served ROMM for more than 30 years and her absence will sure create an impact esp to my colleagues in ROMM.
Innalillahi waiina ilaihi rojiun....