And finally jijah is updating!
I've always wanted to post my entries with some pictures on it but i will ended up with plain, boring posts since i've kept forgetting to transfer the pics from my hp to my it a lame excuse, i'll accept it.But trust me, its not bcoz of any memory failure but its the HIKMAH vcds which stole my already insufficient sleeping hours.Now, i'm at my final leg; another 1 more box of VCDs to go.The best thing is i will get both my parents to watch the sinetron with me but too bad yours truly will ended up lying down on one corner while the the happy duo (my parents lah!) lied comfortably on my bed.Hopefully my bed won't squeak itself to death lah. hee hee.
I'm told that i'm a person who likes to listen to one's problems.Sad enough, how i wish, when i lend my shoulder to others, i cld go a step further to wipe away the tears in your eyes too but at times some people prefer to build up a wall around them & cringe in pain-all alone.This is when i felt frustrated.Call myself a friend when I know some of my friends out there are stuck with some sticky stuffs etc & I'm not doing anything to help them??But hey, who am I for you to trust me with your problems & situations rite? To my friends out there, no matter how distant we are, i'm always the old azizah that you've all always known.Trust me.=)
To someone out there, i thank you for the effort made in trying to matchmake me with him yet my heart is still not prepared to accept anyone at the moment.Even if he has the qualities that i’ve desired all these while..i’m prepared to give it a pass.The heart is still aching & i doubt it will heal soon.
On a happier note… i wld like to wish a Happy 31st Birthday to my cekik darah, degil gila & helpful buddy, Sumi ManisMentel.Sorry lah, me & frenz can’t fulfil your wish i.e to masuk meminang for u.Well, well,well,hopefully you’ve found your MAN ok?Make sure u scan betul2 si Maidin tu.
OOohh..remember abt the MTV thingy dat i've told u earlier? I was part of the production & hopefully i'll be able to see myself when they blitz the mtv in our upcoming D&D.Urrgghh, i'm still unsure whether to go or not coz the following day is a working day for me.My frenz have been tugging & forcing me to go....what say u?
can spot me?
Rahim, the person behind all these.Indeed, he's a funny man!
Till then..Happy National Day…in advanced! Anyone want any Satay for lunch? (thks Bestie for the pics you've sent me early this morning! Yucccckkss!!!)

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