oohh, me aint emo-girl lah. All those jiwang2 songs were reflective of the
I've been down with flu & mild fever & i guess its been a while since i'm infested wif all these virus.But i'm not complaininglah.Its just dat i'm feeling uncomfortable with the stuck nose & groggy feeling.Nak hyper pun mcm fake gitu.
But u noe what is the remedy to all these? Babies, babies & babies!!!!
A lot of appointments have been held up.And i feel really2 bad as i still owe my bestie her bday gift. =( but no worries, all have been nicely wrapped up & ready for collection. sorry again dear.
Marina, Ain..still remember our upcoming outing?? I'm missing our Umairah badly.Let us find one best date to go out together okie?
And hope its not too late to congratulate Babynora on her newborn..
cute kan???? (feel like munching him...)
till then...kuchi kuchi from Umairah

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