Lets get BEEsy
Yeap, coming May AVA will be up for its SQC renewal. Just a flashback- in Apr 2004 (way before i joined) AVA has been awarded the Singapore Quality Class (SQC).But it did not stopped there thou.For every 3 yrs, assessors from Spring S'pore will come down to AVA to re-certify this SQC status.As my division has been solely put in charge to ensure things get done, that would xplain my bz-ness for now.
How time flies, and its oredi Friday.Can u believe it? My weekend has oredi been well-scheduled.haizzz.
Guyz, a 1000 apologies if u cldn't get me @ my mobile these days.Its either i off it or i divert it.I need to get that 'peace', u see.But i oredi told some of u that if u need to find me, u noe what to do.I'm rehabilitating lah, so paham2 jelah ye.
Ohh, in any case u r wondering & searching for entries in my archives on whats actually happening to my life, then i suppose u r just wasting ur time. i dun divulge my too personal interests here; online. =0
Having said dat,lemme end this post with a cute pic.

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