...and my Chipsmore fren (kes sekejap ada..sekejap takde), Miza
Did i miss anyone? Ok, to those whom i've missed out (unintentionally ok!)..happy birthday to u guyz too! Wish u loads & loads of happiness & good health.muaacckks! (whats e kiss all abt?)
On this Valentine Day, naah..no speacial date or anything, coz I've to give tuition today.Now, I need to spend my time wisely coz nxt week onwards my Tues, Wed, Fri evenings & Sat morning will be spent on tutoring P4 kidz.Yeah, i'm back on my feet again to teach.Missed my ex-tuitee actually.Right b4 his PSLE both our schedules clashed & e nxt thing i knew, we went on our separate ways.Hopefully he has done well in his PSLE & go to his dreamt sec sch.
Met my bestie yesterday. Gosshh! How i missed her!We were like catching up with each other and at e same time rushing fer time.She decided to meet me at the West side..as usual, she wanted to make it easy fer me. thks dear. We scouted for Valentine gifts (to be given to our colleagues) and I managed to get a birthday gift 4 my dear sis.Hope she likes it coz its specially chosen by both me & bestie.Hopefully i can give my sis her gift today as i am only free after 9 while she..hmmpphh, maybe got a date later?hee hee..gurau je Adah! =B
my nxt mission is to get 2 rice cookers, 1 airpot, 1 kettle, 1 blender...for both my sis & Dear's mom.Rumah baru barang pun mesti baru babe!
now, dat i had my lunch...i want to do some quick reading.A malay novel; Ayat2 cinta from Habiburrahman El Shirazy.Was told by my bestie this novel is a must-read & I'm supposed to be inspriated after reading it.
till then...
hepi valentine!
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