Reunion wif my ROMM frenz
Traditionally me & my ex colleagues wld meet up @ KP's (Kadi Pasuni aka Kadi penyayang aka Ayahanda) place for our Hari Raya visiting.Bermandikan hujan, me & Mar finally reached at KP's place ard 7pm. There were some Syariah Court's staff too. After bersantap we made our way to kNR's (Ustaz Nor Razak) home sweet home. Didn't noe that his children lurve to take pics..hee hee..
Finally, me, Mar & Ustaz Syed Ahmad headed home together (not to worry, Ustaz never divulge any exam questionslah)
I was invited to KS'sUstaz Sallim Jasman) residence dis Sun but not to sure if i'm going since i'll be having my exam in the morning & will be doing some visiting to my relatives' houses too.Kalau tak pegi takut merajuk plak...*pening pening*

I used to have fun wif them

Wif 2 of Ustaz Nor Razak's children

Wif Ayahanda KP & wife. Ustaz, mana kodok gorengnya?

All time fun buddy-Marliana